Utility’s proposed new base charge seems warranted

Georgia Power’s plan to increase the monthly base charge to $17.95 over three years is not out of line with other utilities and will not deter energy conservation or rooftop solar, “Proposed $2.2B Ga. Power rate hike would boost bills,” (News, June 29). This charge, which covers grid and billing costs, clearly is outdated. My mother’s base charge with Cobb EMC is $28. Another EMC, Grady, just moved to $30.00. And after paying the new charge, if I have an average bill of $150, that leaves $132 dollars I can still reduce through conservation. Try as I might, no amount of conservation is going to get my energy charges below the base charge. The new charge also reduces the subsidy I am paying if my neighbor places solar on his roof. Seems to me that Georgia Power is just updating its rates to be fair for all energy users, whether they produce their own energy or not.


PSC should deny utility’s request to raise base rate

The Public Service Commission should vote “no” on Georgia Power’s request for an increase in the monthly base rate customers pay for electricity. It is out of line; we have already been paying an extra monthly fee for years because of the misguided Plant Vogtle expansion – an expansion the company continued to pursue even when experts warned it was not wise. Even worse, it is an outrage to propose a rate hike that includes conditions that punish consumers who try to conserve energy, as well as make it harder for poor people to pay their bills. The commissioners should deny Georgia Power’s request for a rate increase until the company can come up with a better plan than this one.