Downey speaks truth about school scheduling
Hooray to Maureen Downey. Thank you for saying what I, and probably thousands of parents and grandparents, have been speaking out about the foolish scheduling perpetrated on the public school kids in Georgia and their families. Not only is there no evidence that the schedule increases success and achievement, but starting classes in the hottest month of the year, and plugging in breaks seemingly at random, requires more air conditioning of schools and buses. In addition, it creates complications for working parents, and interferes with the summer camping programs that are very popular.
Senators ascribe own motives to opponents
The Republicans have given us several health-care programs. We first had “Meancare” offered up by the House. Then we had “Secretcare” the bill offered by the Senate. We then had “Nocare” which was the repeal and worry about it later bill. Finally, we had “Fraudcare” which was the so called Skinny Repeal that no one who voted for it really wanted to see it enacted into law.
How proud we can be that both of our senators, ignoring the impact of this insanity on their constituents, blindly, like sheep, voted for all this insanity, except for the House bill, which I am sure they wish they could have voted for.
I have learned that many times people ascribe their own motives to their opponents, which is perfectly illustrated by Sen. Perdue’s statement that people caring about politics and not the country are responsible for the defeat of this nonsense. I would submit that all the Republicans (save a few of integrity) feel obligated to repeal Obamacare and, apparently, nothing else matters. Clearly, in seven years of complaining they never did anything else.
Maybe we can come up with a bill that improves health care and does not throw people off of coverage, endanger the elderly and poor and destroy the insurance market. We could call that “Goodcare.”
Parker a rational voice of conservative sense
I miss Thomas Sowell’s opinion pieces for his rational, moderate voice from an unusual source. Now, Star Parker is filling his shoes and doing an excellent job of demonstrating that you don’t have to be a white Republican to be a smart, moderate conservative — a regretfully rare thing. Her clear explanation of our complicated multiple health care systems helped me to understand that government support for some health care systems increases the cost for all health care systems. We need our government to manage all of them or none of them, not do it halfway.
I hope we will see more of Parker’s opinions in the future. She is a keeper — an aptly named Star.
Voter registration purge smacks of suppression
“Georgia cancels registration of more than 591,500 voters,” News, Aug. 1, strikes me as an effort to suppress voting, rather than encourage access. This is a fundamental right of our democracy; I don’t see the logic in casting someone off the rolls if she happened to have not voted in three years. It smacks of the Republican playbook that includes the “voter fraud” commission, and “no match no vote” which resulted in a lawsuit Brian Kemp’s Secretary of State office lost at Georgia taxpayers’ expense. (Afterwards the majority Republican legislature turned around and made it law.)
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