Dems should get agenda back on track
The latest passion in the U.S., particularly from the left, is to tear down statues and monuments. A candidate for governor has this agenda as a major goal. Is this all the Democrats have come up with to right the ship? They lost the election due to lack of an agenda. Is this the new agenda for the party? Attack the president and tear down things that represent history? What an agenda! Why in the world adopt an agenda to erase our history in the name of political correctness? Why can’t we all agree that history is what has shaped this country into the great nation it is today? This country’s freedom, liberty and individual rights are notions that other nations can only dream about. Let’s get back on track Democrats. Let’s focus on getting things done for the people. We need to disregard individuals like George Soros, who have a goal of tearing us down. Let us put party aside and focus on what needs to get done. Cooperation and forgiveness are such beautiful words.
Governor should move statues to cemeteries
Hiding behind the late and lukewarm contrition of our two senators? His lack of leadership in stating the obvious after the events in Charlottesville reminds us of his party-first attitude at the helm of our state.
Governor, it is time to lead this legislature to make possible the movement of all publicly authorized statues and monuments to leaders of the Confederacy to their rightful and decent place on the grounds of Confederate cemeteries in the state. They do not deserve to be in the public eye where they stand as a deceitful reminder of the lie of states rights covering up a desperate economic need for slavery. They deserve to be remembered with other Confederate dead in a place where they belong.
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