Letter-writer’s RAISE Act concern self-serving

The letter-writer of “RAISE Act is un-American,” Readers Write, Aug. 11, not only sees this act, which would limit the number of legal immigrants to the U.S., as un-American but also un-Christian because it fails to (per the writer’s Matthew 25 biblical reference) “welcome the stranger.” But given the writer’s focus on Georgia farmers, chicken plants and manufacturing plants going without these immigrating “unskilled” strangers to perform their “back-breaking,” “repetitive, boring and hard work,” it seems the writer is not nearly as concerned about the strangers as for the self-serving gains of others on the backs of strangers. I’m no theologian, but I don’t think such motivations represent the spirit of welcoming the stranger expressed in Matthew 25.


Open-carry laws encourage militia mentality

Most Americans know that the appalling and tragic events in Charlottesville and the president’s horrendous reaction to them were nothing short of insane.

What has not been mentioned is the connect between these despicable hate groups and the gun culture. Many assume that law enforcement was underwhelming in their response. I believe the number and power of firearms of the fanatics far outnumbered the police firepower, and law enforcement realized how easily the volatile situation could have become a bloodbath.

Although guns may not have been directly related to the tragic death of Heather Heyer, open-carry laws in many states like Virginia empower and encourage these militia-mentality lunatics. With Georgia’s far-too-permissive gun laws, we may well be next in line.

If we don’t stand up to the NRA and Georgia Carry and elect leaders who care about our safety, a violent coup may well be in our future. Let’s heed the brave words of Heather’s mom and make our actions her legacy.


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