Left’s hatred for Trump seemingly knows no bounds
In recent months, the hatred from the left for the president seems to increase and never decrease. The Left, when I was younger, was opinionated and held views that may not appeal to a conservative, but it never reached the level of hate we see today. Now, the slightest thing will send a liberal into a frenzy. I believe that if President Trump brought jobs back, lowered the unemployment rate, let the working man or woman keep more of their paycheck, let them make their own choices about medical insurance, and showed leadership in the world, that somehow liberals would grudgingly acknowledge the good the president has done. But alas, they can’t seem to find one thing to be grateful for. After watching the video clips of the Judge Jeanine Pirro segment on “The View”, I do not recognize what has happened to liberals in this country.
Trump’s lack of morals a sad commentary on GOP
President Trump has shown a total lack of moral or ethical integrity. He has broken the law by gaining financially by hosting meetings with dignitaries at his hotels. He has alienated all our U.S. allies while calling our greatest enemies, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un, great leaders. He has separated parents from their children with his zero tolerance immigration policy; some families may never be reunited. He has ignored Russian interference with our voting process, the very core of our democracy. He has started a trade war, hurting many sectors of our economy. He has lied about and tried to cover up his affairs with women. Yet the Republicans in Georgia, including Brian Kemp, are falling all over themselves for his support. This says something about the Republicans in our state and in our country. It’s called self-interest. Give me back the Democrats. They support the people they represent.
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