Opinion pages give opposing views
It never ceases to amaze me the letters the paper gets from the Right Wing expressing its dismay of your liberal bias. I’m not sure we are reading the same paper. I get just as dismayed over your Right Wing columns inclusive of letters to the editor. As far as editorial content, I feel Thomas Sowell, Mona Charen and Charles Krauthammer go over the line of good journalism. And let’s not forget your illustrious cartoonist, Ramirez. Sometimes I see the fire from his eyes or whatever. So let’s be fair: I think your opinion pages are well-balanced, but I feel that sometimes I am just as unhappy as your right-sided readers. So let’s just be happy and stop all the hatred. After all, you still have FOX News and I have MNSBC.
Mothers control future of black lives
Black lives matter. I agree. But, our young women can solve the problems of excessive force by police and black-on-black killings in one generation. No babies before marriage. You and your baby will be forever fatherless and in poverty. No babies until you and your husband finish high school. This is the escape from poverty for all of you. Raise your children to respect authority. If an adult asks them to do something, the proper response is “yes, sir or ma’am.” They can complain and argue later. Love and support your husband. Make a team. If it doesn’t work, find another worthy father for your children. Insist that they graduate high school. Young women, the solution lies in your hands. This will work. Please, take charge! Reader, share this with a 12-to-20 year-old young woman. I doubt they are reading this page.
South doesn’t respect laborers
Frank Hyman’s message in (“Lasting effect of Southern con job,” Opinion, Aug. 15) needs to be heeded by all workers. Growing up in Michigan, my mother joined my father as a worker. Her earnings as a sleeping garment inspector at Dr. Dentons were to help my brother and I through university. She fought to start a union to get a dollar an hour added to the 1960’s federal minimum wage of $2.65 an hour, as I recall. The minimum may have been $3.65. That union increase lasted only a few years as the factory moved to one of the Carolinas for cheaper labor. That event shaped my view of the South as not respecting its workers. The migration continues due in part to right-to-right to work laws in the South which the one percent promote.
Medical schools already open to black males
Medical schools have been open and are open to black males, but too few of them qualify. (“Open medical schools to black males,” Opinion, Aug. 17). The author proposes to lower the admissions requirements for black males to ensure more black males are admitted. I do not want as my physician someone admitted on such a quota system.