A wise friend once said: “Having your own business is like having a sick child. You never stop looking in.” Business people know that’s also true of a business of their own – and a business entrusted to them to manage.
“Looking in” now also means logging in.
Half of all respondents in a recent Bright Local survey say they use the Internet at least six times a year to check business reputations. And 88 percent say they put an Internet recommendation on par with a personal recommendation.
Hospitality and retail are major targets for online critics. So are medical, dental, and professional service firms.
A few years ago, an Atlanta barbecue restaurant was caught in the crossfire after it decided to post a picture of a customer who did not leave a tip, leading to hundreds of negative reviews on their Yelp page. They are now closed. A chain of Atlanta-based restaurants had to call in help after receiving some complaints on their Facebook page about service.
Putting stock in online reviews is necessary due to their broad reach. The most important action for fighting online attacks should occur long before negative reviews start.
Here’s the new business axiom for the Internet: “Use It (the Internet) or Lose It (the reputation).” Defend your enterprise against an Internet attack. Get out there in advance to manage the Web to your benefit.
The good news for almost every business is that traditional media outlets like TV and newspapers feed a 24/7 Internet monster. They’re crying for your news. Community websites add to the demand.
A new hire, a promotion, a speech, a sponsorship (even of a community baseball team), a new office or plant site — it’s all news now.
On the downside: online attacks happen. Whether it’s a negative review by a one-time customer or someone with a grudge on your Facebook page, sour reviews have to be dealt with by you or an outsider you call in to help.
Sometimes a simple protest or a flood of dilution by the “good guys” in your corner is not enough. In those cases, a legal expert can help. If you do decide to contact a lawyer, keep these things in mind:
Most postings can be addressed without filing a lawsuit. If the posting violates the web site’s “Terms of Use” policy, the site will often agree to take down the review. If you don’t know the identity of the critic, a lawyer can use the legal process to uncover his or her identity. Before you file a lawsuit, understand your goals. It may be more realistic to get the posting removed and ensure that nothing else goes up, rather than winning a big judgment against someone who might not be able to pay it.
Above all, remember this: Business bullying is unhappy, even enraging. But it’s only something to be managed. And you know something about managing.
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