Drinkers will soon be able to read the number of calories and carbs in a can or bottle of beer.
Health groups have been pushing manufacturers to voluntarily disclose nutrition information.
Now some of the biggest industry names will comply, the Beer Institute announced this month.
"No one is going to mistake an alcoholic drink for health food," said senior nutritionist Lindsay Moyer at the Center for Science in the Public Interest. "But I think most people don't have a good idea of just how much the calories can vary. If you're looking at a light beer it's about 100 calories, a regular beer 150."
The drinks highest in calories are a 12-oz. Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout with 320, and a 16-oz. Sparks Blackberry with 380.
A Guinness has fewer calories than Corona, 130 to 150.
The FDA recommends men limit themselves to two alcoholic drinks and women to one drink per sitting.
Moyer said if you drink three or four, you could be racking up 750 or even 1,000 calories.
"You can go to the grocery store and pick up a food package, any food package you can see how many calories are in it," Moyer said. "But when it comes to beer, wine and other alcoholic beverages that information just isn't there."
a look at how many calories are in some of the more popular hard drinks.