A letter George Zimmerman posted to Twitter on Monday claims he did not mean to retweet a photo of Trayvon Martin's dead body, Orlando Sentinel reports.
"I did not, and never will knowingly re-tweet a picture of a deceased body. I do not want to see or relive the night that I was attacked and had to use lethal force to defend my life," Zimmerman wrote in his letter.
Zimmerman posted the photo in late September sparking ire in the Twittersphere. Zimmerman argues in the letter that his original tweet was labeled as “sensitive” and the photo did not appear at first when he retweeted the post, according to the Sentinel reports.
"The image of the body was blocked on my twitter feed and all twitter feeds," he stated in the letter. "Until the user chose to click on the blocked image warning it does not show the image. I did not click on the blocked image and preview it prior to re-tweeting it."
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