Crew members from a charter fishing boat in Destin were caught on video pulling out 34 dead pups from the corpse of a great hammerhead shark, reports.

A 13-foot, 830-pound great hammerhead shark was caught on the charter boat's last fishing trip. In the video you can see the shark's fins cut off and what appears to be spear holes pierced in its body.

Jeff Bratcher, a tourist from Oklahoma, caught the horrific sight on video during a family vacation trip to Harborwalk Village. They witnessed a crew member throwing the dead pups into a trash can one by one.

“You hear me ask in the video, ‘What are you going to do with these?’,” Bratcher said to “He would never answer, he was just throwing (the pups) in the trash can.”

Since Bratcher posted his video to YouTube it has been watched more than 600,000 times, arousing controversy.

“I have people telling me to take the video off, but we need to let people know what it is,” Bratcher said to

Great hammerhead sharks are endangered on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s “Red List,” but they are not protected under the U.S. government’s Endangered Species Act.

They are also protected under Florida state law and fishermen are not allowed to catch the species in Florida state waters. The captain of the charter boat, called the Phoenix, claimed on a deleted Facebook status that he caught the hammerhead in international waters.