The plate is supposed to stand for “I love Tofu” but the state of Tennessee thought ILVTOFU had a more adult interpretation.
“All I’m trying to do is spread a pro-vegan message with my license plate,” said PETA employee Whitney Calk.
Whitney told WKRN-TV, when she got a letter from the state saying her request had been denied. She called to ask why.
"She let me know it was rejected due to vulgarity," Calk confirmed.
The assistant manager for youth marketing said there was no devious intent in mind.
“It just seemed logical to change my license plate to something I believed in.”
Calk isn’t the first person to be told no in this situation.
People in Florida, Virginia, and Colorado have also been told the lettering would be too suggestive.
Whitney has had several suggestions for alternatives via social media but instead, she decided to drop the matter.
“I knew what I wanted, but I didn’t want to compromise with what was written,” Calk finished.
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