Move over Baby Trump balloon, an inflatable Trump Chicken is already making appearances in America.

The 33-foot tall inflatable caricature of President Donald Trump will be seen Sunday when it’s attached to a boat and sails along the shores of San Francisco.

The chicken, dressed in a shirt with "Prisoner 45" emblazoned across it, first floated April 15, 2017, at the San Francisco Tax March, according to KRON.

Since then, the Trump Chicken has been seen at the White House in February and affixed to a boat and floated around Alcatraz during President's Day weekend.

The group behind the inflatable started a GoFundMe account to cover the boat rental costs.

Earlier this month, a man in New Jersey started a campaign to bring the Baby Trump balloon seen floating during the president's trip to the United Kingdom to the United States to fly above Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster.

That GoFundMe has raised more than $23,000. Organizers expect to receive it in about four weeks.