Here's a roundup of news trending across the nation and world today.
What to know now:
1. Person of interest: Law enforcement officials in Texas have identified a person of interest in the murder of 18-year-old Haruka Weiser. Weiser was killed over the weekend on the campus of the University of Texas at Austin, and her body dumped on the university grounds. Police have released a video of a man they believed may have been involved in Weiser's death.
2. Stamps going down: For the first time in nearly a century, the price of a U.S. postage stamp will go down. Beginning Sunday, stamps will now cost 47 cents. They had been 49 cents. The change comes after a temporary rate increased granted in 2014 runs out.
3. Bill Clinton vs. BLM: Bill Clinton had a nearly 15-minute exchange with a group of protesters representing Black Lives Matter as he stumped for his wife on the campaign trail in Philadelphia Thursday. The protesters question Clinton on then first lady Hillary Clinton's statement in 1996 about certain young blacks being "super predators." The former president countered by telling the protesters, "You are defending the people who killed the lives you say matter."
4. Trump's bad poll numbers: An Associated Press poll shows that nearly 70 percent of those surveyed have an unfavorable view of Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump. According to The AP, Trump has an "unprecedented unpopularity" number in nearly every demographic surveyed. Sixty-three percent of registered voters said they "definitely would not vote for" Trump in a general election. Fifty-nine percent of those polled hold an unfavorable view of Ted Cruz, while 55 percent said they do not like Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton.
5. Anne's a mom: Oscar-winning actress Anne Hathaway has given birth to a son. Hathaway and her husband, Adam Shulman, are the parents of Jonathan Rosebanks Shulman. The baby was born early on March 24 in Los Angeles.
And one more
Pope Francis has issued a paper urging priests to exhibit greater acceptance of gay men, divorced Catholics, lesbians, "non-traditional" families and those livng in what he called, "irregular" situations. "A pastor cannot feel that it is enough simply to apply moral laws ... as if they were stones to throw at people's lives," Francis wrote in a landmark apostolic exhortation entitled Amoris Laetitia (Joy of Love) addressing family matters.
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