Police in Westbrook, Maine, were recently tipped off about a shed snake skin near the Presumpscot River said to be the length of a truck. It's just the latest chapter in the mystery of Wessie.

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So far, glimpses of the snake with a head the size of a softball have been sporadic. Wessie was reportedly first spotted near a playground in June.

>> See the Facebook post here

Days later, local police posted this. This seems to be a stock image, but the post said an officer saw a large snake eating what may have been a beaver. A second officer came to the scene and the pair estimated the snake was 10 feet long.

>> Click here to read the post

A biologist with the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife said the snake had to have come from somewhere other than Maine, as no native species could eat a beaver. His guess was that Wessie is a Burmese python and was once someone's pet.

Since then, Wessie has gotten its own social media pages and even a beer named after it.

But there have been no other reports of Wessie spottings until now, with the shed skin. Yet, some experts are skeptical of that, too.

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One reptile expert said it's pretty improbable to have a skin laid out like that naturally and suspected a human did it.

A different expert likened the chances of a skin rolled out that way with the chances of a limbless person neatly setting out clothes.

The mystery will have to be solved quickly, though. If Wessie is real, and is a Burmese python, it's unlikely to survive Maine's winter.