Texas teen Ahmed Mohamed to change schools

IRVING, TX - SEPTEMBER 16: 14-year-old Ahmed Ahmed Mohamed, surrounded by his family, speaks during a news conference on September 16, 2015 in Irving, Texas. Mohammed was detained after a high school teacher falsely concluded that a homemade clock he brought to class might be a bomb. The news converence, held outside the Mohammed family home, was hosted by the North Texas Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. (Photo by Ben Torres/Getty Images)

Credit: Ben Torres

Credit: Ben Torres

IRVING, TX - SEPTEMBER 16: 14-year-old Ahmed Ahmed Mohamed, surrounded by his family, speaks during a news conference on September 16, 2015 in Irving, Texas. Mohammed was detained after a high school teacher falsely concluded that a homemade clock he brought to class might be a bomb. The news converence, held outside the Mohammed family home, was hosted by the North Texas Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. (Photo by Ben Torres/Getty Images)

His desired destination is private school or homeschooling option, his father said.

His dream school is MIT, but while he's not applying to college soon, he has been invited to visit the school.

Second, the teen said he plans to take advantage of President Barack Obama's invitation for a trip to the White House as well.

Also on the list: appear on "Shark Tank."