What’s a flood to a man in need of his Whataburger fix?
Gary Gostecnik, 71, of Pattison is a man accustomed to his daily meal from Whataburger. After the Brazos River flooding trapped him in his own home Friday though, he had to go without his "No. 1 with cheese, cut the onions, with extra tomatoes" for days.
"Every time I have talked to him since Friday, he has asked for Whataburger," his wife Carol Gostecnik told The Dallas Morning News.
But the tipping point came Monday when Gary decided enough was enough. He pulled out a John Deere 8630 tractor and drove it through the surrounding flood and toward the Brazos River Bridge in San Felipe to meet his family before sending his wife to drive to Whataburger.
After receiving his burger, and a few for his neighbors, Gary made his way back home on his tractor and delivered the meals like a true Texas hero.
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