A Texas judge has a brand new policy in place that couple's must agree to before he will marry them - gay or straight.

Judge James DePiazza, a Denton County justice of the peace, requires couples to acknowledge in writing his views on same sex marriage, and if they bring up same sex marriage before, during or after the ceremony, DePiazza will cancel the ceremony and refund their money.

"Judge DePiazza prefers to NOT conduct same-sex ceremonies, but will not decline anyone who chooses to schedule with him," the document states (the caps are in the original).

The form that couples must sign also replaces "bride" and "groom" with two signature lines.

DePiazza's policy is new since same sex marriage was made law of the land by the U.S. Supreme Court, WFAA reports.

Also banned during the ceremony: Couples may not take video or still photography because the judge fears they could be edited and presumably shared on the internet.

"I decided for my own privacy," DePiazza told the Houston Chronicle. "Because people take pictures and can doctor them or take little snippets out of video to warp what happened."