A tenth Republican senator has announced he will not vote for the health care plan drafted by GOP leadership.
Sen. John Hoeven, (R-North Dakota), said he will not be voting for the legislation because he "doesn't support the bill as it stands," according to a story in the Bismarck Tribune.
Hoeven joins nine other Republican senators – Sens. Dean Heller of Nevada, Jerry Moran of Kansas, Mike Lee of Utah, Rand Paul of Kentucky, Rob Portman of Ohio, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia Susan Collins of Maine and Ted Cruz of Texas – in opposing the bill that was meant to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare.
Earlier this week, ABC News reported, Hoeven took some tough questions from constituents calling into a radio show on which he appeared.
“I think we have a lot of ideas to get to a good plan, and again, it’s going to be a process,” Hoeven told a constituent who asked during the call-in show why Republicans didn’t have a plan in place when they started the move to repeal Obamacare.
Senate leadership is expected to hold more meetings about the bill next week as members return to Washington following the July 4 recess.
The Republican National Committee on Wednesday asked some Democrats via tweets what their alternative to the Affordable Care Act would be since every Democratic senator has said he or she would vote against the GOP bill.
The tweets were aimed at Sens. Bernie Sanders, (I-Vermont), Joe Manchin, (D-New York), Elizabeth Warren, (D-Massachusetts), former President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton. The tweets included videos of the five pointing out flaws with the health insurance program. The tweets asked the question, “Where is your plan.”
Clinton responded by tweeting a link to a copy of her plan for updates to the ACA. In the tweet she answered the GOP question, “"Right here. Includes radical provisions like how not to kick 23 mil ppl off their coverage. Feel free to run w/ it.”
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