A 17-year-old high school student and her mother were found dead in Kissimmee, Florida, Monday morning, according to Osceola County Sheriff Russell Gibson.

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Deputies began conducting a death investigation on Beaumont Avenue before 9 a.m. after the student's grandmother called 911 and said she found the student and her mother in a bedroom of their home dead, Gibson said.

Gibson said the mother and daughter suffered gunshot wounds, but officials have not formally determined a cause of death.

Grief counselors will be made available at Osceola County High School, the Sheriff's Office said.

Detectives said this is an isolated incident and no suspect is being sought.

The grandmother lived in the home with the mother and daughter, Gibson said.

Wes Thompson, a neighbor, said he talked to the grieving grandmother Monday morning. He said he saw the 17-year-old student with her grandmother Sunday night.

"The grandmother and granddaughter were just sitting out on the porch last night laughing and giggling, like everything was OK," said Thompson.

But Thompson said the grandmother said she saw a gun near where her two relatives were found.