An Orlando boy spent his ninth birthday in the hospital after being bitten by a shark the day before, near Tables Beach in Brevard County.

Christian Sanhueza was visiting the beach near Patrick Air Force Base on Saturday when a 3-foot shark pulled him underwater.

Christian was taken to Holmes Regional Medical Center, where he continues to recover from two surgeries.

"I saw it and it come right to my foot and then it just bit me and pulled me under the water," he said.

Sanhueza's mother, Melissa Sanhueza, was just a couple of feet away because she was worried her son was wading too far out into the water.

"I thank God every day that I was that close to him, because with sharks, they sense blood. I remember that, so I yanked him up and ran to his father as fast as I could," said Sanhueza.

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The boy's father applied pressure to the wound until an emergency crew arrived.

"I wanted to give the glory to God for my son and for we understand that it could have been a lot worse," said his father, Reinaldo Sanhueza.

The boy was bitten in an area not patrolled by Brevard Ocean Rescue. Lifeguards there said they've seen an unusual number of larger fish swimming near the shore, which might be attracting the sharks.

Christian is expected to be released from the hospital later this week.