On Monday, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry was in New York City to visit with President-elect Donald Trump at Trump Tower and talk about a potential role in the Trump administration. On Tuesday, Perry will be in Los Angeles for the season finale of "Dancing with the Stars."
According to a "Dancing with the Stars" promo, on Tuesday’s show, “All 13 couples rejoin for a high-energy opening number, and the Season 23 champion is crowned.”
Perry will not be that champion. At the end of September, he was the second contestant voted off the show this season. Perry, with no background or history of dance, sought to make up for his lack of experience with sheer gusto, and he seemed to be having the time of his life.
Perry has also expressed his enthusiasm for joining the Trump administration, despite his early low regard for Trump, who was then his GOP presidential rival and whom he called a “cancer on conservatism” and a “barking carnival act.”
Perry has been mentioned as a contender for a number of Cabinet positions – secretary of defense, secretary of energy, secretary of veterans affairs and secretary of agriculture.
Defense secretary seems a long shot. On Saturday, Trump met with retired Marine Gen. James Mattis and on Sunday tweeted, “General James `Mad Dog’ Mattis, who is being considered for Secretary of Defense, was very impressive yesterday. A true General’s General!”
Former Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown also met with Trump Monday, and afterward touted his own capacity to serve as secretary of veterans affairs.
Perry, an Air Force veteran, who made veterans his cause on "Dancing with the Stars," is also a former Texas agriculture commissioner. Sid Miller, the current Texas agriculture commissioner, has also been mentioned as a potential Trump pick for secretary of agriculture.
Perry’s expertise on energy would be a consequence of his experience as governor of Texas. On leaving office, he joined the corporate board of Energy Transfer Partners, a Texas-based pipeline company that transports natural gas and crude oil.
Perry did not answer press questions before or after his meeting with Trump, but he did pose for a picture with the Naked Cowboy at Trump Bar. The Naked Cowboy, Robert John Burck, is a Times Square tourist attraction who wears only cowboy boots, a hat and white briefs and who carries a guitar.
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