A teenage girl, with the help of two other girls, is accused of intentionally exposing a classmate to pineapple, knowing she had a severe allergy to the fruit, police said.
The incident happened Dec. 13 during a lunch period at Butler Intermediate High School.
Police said the 14-year-old victim needed to be taken to the hospital because of the assault. She was released the same day.
“It is our expectation that our students respect themselves and others. When that does not occur, the district will take appropriate discipline action and if appropriate contact law enforcement,” Butler Area School District Superintendent Brian White said in a statement.
The 14-year-old girl accused of exposing the girl to the pineapple is charged with aggravated assault, criminal conspiracy, simple assault, reckless endangerment, harassment and disorderly conduct.
Two other students, girls ages 13 and 14, assisted in the assault, according to investigators. They were each charged with criminal conspiracy, reckless endangerment and disorderly conduct.
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