A Florida woman was arrested on Thursday after police said she arrived at the police station under the influence of meth and asked for help with the “dead bodies” under her truck.

Karla Jenkins was pulled over around 11 p.m. on Thursday in the rear parking lot of the Panama City Police Department after an officer observed her "driving with (the truck) flashers on, blowing the horn, and driving very fast and erratic," the Northwest Florida Daily News reports. Police said she told officers "she was running from dead bodies under her truck" and she "thought one was missing an arm."

Jenkins did not have a driver’s license with her and officers said her “eyes were dilated, she was sweating, and she had cold chills” even though it was warm outside. Police said she admitted to doing “a little meth” with officers finding two open bottles of vodka with one empty and the other mostly full.

She was arrested and charged with driving under the influence and was issued a citation for her open containers.

Read more at the Northwest Florida Daily News.