New Jersey college student and nanny Kiersten Miles is recovering after donating part of her liver to a child in her care.

Talia Rosko, who was born with a life-threatening liver disease and given just two years to live, is recovering, too.

The Rosko family hired Miles, 22, as a babysitter and that’s how she met 16-month-old Talia and learned about her illness.

"She was 9 months old when I started watching her," Miles explained to WTXF-TV.

“She’s so helpless. She can’t tell anyone what’s wrong with her. She can’t spread the word and ask for help," Miles said

Miles said that’s why she wanted to help the baby girl.

Miles and baby Talia underwent the donation and transplant operations in early January in Philadelphia.

“It's such a small sacrifice when you compare it to saving a life,” Miles told WTXF-TV.

“Some of her doctors said she possibly wouldn’t have made it past 2 years old. All I had to do was be in the hospital for a week and a 5-inch scar. I don’t know, it just seemed like such a small sacrifice to me," she said.

Miles has received  alot of attention on social media for her courage and generosity.

“I’m overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support I’ve received over the past few weeks and continue to receive,” she posted on Facebook.

“Every share spreads more awareness about living liver donation and organ donation in general,” she said.