One year it was the Ice Bucket Challenge, in 2017 it is the Mustard Challenge.

No, people are not dumping buckets of mustard on themselves. The challenge is to eat a spoonful of mustard, record it, post on social media, donate to and then challenge others to do the same.

The charity No More Kids With Cancer will then match donations dollar-to-dollar up to $6 million to help discover new treatments for children who are battling cancer. It has partnered with Stand Up To Cancer to fund a Pediatric Brain Cancer Dream Team.

The Mustard Challenge started on April 15, National Mustard Day, and will end on Aug. 5.

Stars are starting to get behind the challenge and are posting their mustard-eating videos online.

The challenge was started by a mother from Pennsylvania who lost her daughter to cancer.

Amy Summy's daughter Naya was only 9 when she found out she had a tumor. She had surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, but died in 2014 at the age of 11, WTXF reported.

Before she died, Naya challenged her mother to help find away to end cancer. In 2015, Amy started the foundation No More Kids with Cancer.

The idea of using mustard actually comes from the chemicals used to eradicate cancer.

Amy said that she and her family realized how toxic the medicine can be. "Some of these drugs are derived from the same chemicals as mustard gas," she told WTXF.

The challenge is starting to pick up steam on social media.