An unmanned box truck careened down a road in Massachusetts Friday morning, then crashed into a house. The frightening incident was caught on surveillance cameras.

The brakes let go on the furniture truck while it was stopped for a delivery, sending it flying down the street in reverse, striking a car before coming to rest on Joe Gallati's front porch.

"The truck rolled from the top of the hill all the way down, all the way down, and we got it," Gallati told WFXT.

Around 11 a.m. Friday, the Bob's Discount Furniture truck was making a delivery outside a home.

"He parked the car, he straightened out the wheels, and he got out of the car and told the other kid to put some kind of brake under the tires. And the kid did it," the woman who was getting the furniture delivery told WFXT.

The woman and one of the delivery drivers were discussing where the furniture should go and the other delivery worker was in the back of the truck when it began to roll.

The woman and the worker came outside to find the truck gone and the other worker laying on the ground after jumping from it.

"To see a large truck of that weight on the front of the house, it was incredible. Main concern is nobody got hurt," Gallati said.