What's an Austin event without Matthew McConaughey? The Austin edition of the "March for Our Lives" rally against gun violence brought out the city's iconic Hollywood celebrity and his trademark "all right, all right, all right."

"This is an American issue. It's a Texan issue. It's a legal and law-abiding gun owner issue. It's a mother issue. It's a father issue. And, quite literally, this is our children's issue," McConaughey said in concluding his remarks at the Texas Capitol. "My hope here is that we can find a common ground on what I see as very much a common-sense issue. This is an issue anchored in purpose for all of us. It's not anchored in politics. God bless and just keep living."

Austin is a part-time home for McConaughey, who often shows up at at University of Texas football games, charity fundraisers and other local events. On Saturday, he turned his attention to gun control.

“Let’s admit we have an epidemic in our country right now that we need to fix,” he told marchers, calling on assault gun owners to “take one for the team here and set it down.”

More specifically, he called for banning assault weapons for civilians, banning high-capacity magazines and closing loopholes in the current background check system. “Those are the three main stipulations, and for those three, I can say -- and you can say it with me -- all right, all right, all right.”