Titled "Amazing Fantastic Incredible: A Marvelous Memoir," the autobiography by Marvel comics genius Stan Lee will debut on Oct. 6.

Making things even better, the book will be punished in graphic novel form.

“I thought maybe it’s time for a look at my life in the one form it has never been depicted, as a comic book,” or if you prefer, a graphic memoir,” he said in a statement.

“If I didn’t know everything about my life already, I’d envy your voyage of discovery!”

The Los Angeles Times writes, "Stan Lee is like the Einstein of science fiction comic books, his creative genius, energy and inspiration and those working with him will forever be an integral part of American history and pride. He is a lucky man to be 92 still doing what he loves the most. Awesome!!

At 92 years old, Lee still has the passion to attend comic book conventions and the premier of Marvel movies.

"To write something and then talk to people who care about what you've written is a wonderful feeling," he told ABC.

"I can't even express how grateful I am to be in the position where I can meet fans, who enjoy the work I do."