A keen-eyed police officer and the help of social media helped reunite an infant with his lost teddy bear.

Chelsea Camp believes her son Micah threw his Ty Classic Shaggy bear out their window unbeknownst to the whole family as they ran errands and got dinner May 26, according to the Peoria Journal Star.

Once they realized the stuffed animal was lost, Camp retraced their route and called the businesses they visited but could not find the teddy bear.

Morton police Officer Jared Boyer was on duty that evening and noticed what appeared to be a small, brown animal on the side of the road, remarkably unscathed. It was the missing teddy bear.

"When I saw it was a teddy bear, I was surprised it hadn't been run over," Boyer told the Journal Star. "It was on the edge of a driving lane."

He took the bear back to the station for safekeeping.

The Camps were still in search and recovery mode. Chelsea posted a message on the Mortonites -- Problems and Solutions page and within 17 minutes she was contacted by police.

“Another officer saw the mom’s Facebook post about the missing teddy bear, and we were able to get the mom’s phone number,” Boyer said.

The 15-month old boy was reunited with his bear soon after.

"Micah is very happy to have 'Teddy' back," Chelsea told the Journal Star.