Whether you’re looking for a deal or looking for the closest ice cream shop to satisfy a sweet tooth, look no further than Baskin-Robbins.
The world's largest chain of ice cream specialty shops is offering scoops for $1.50 each Aug. 31, Oct. 31 and Dec. 31 in a nod to the company's offering of 31 flavors.
Baskin-Robbins offered the deal in January, March, May and July, which also have 31 days. It is only available on the last day of the month during the months that have 31 days.
Customers are able to pick from any of the company’s 31 flavors to redeem the deal.
Toppings and waffle cones are not included in the promotion and cost extra.
Click here to find the Baskin-Robbins closest to you. Not all stores are participating in the promotion, so you will have to check ahead of time to see if the location nearest you offers the deal.
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