An elementary school in Houston forgot to call the name of a wheelchair-bound student during her fifth-grade graduation ceremony, CBS News reports.

Trinecia Blacklock, of Link Elementary School, said to even if her name was called she wouldn’t have been able to get to the stage with the other students.

“I wish I would have gone across the stage, but they have no ramp, nothing but stairs,” Blacklock said to CBS.

Blacklock's  mother, Tonisha McCowan, said she had to remind the faculty to call her daughter's name.

“How they missed her sitting there by herself down there in a wheelchair, I don’t know,” McCowan said to CBS. “Her joy from that day was stripped from right under her.”

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“Although the school had good intentions in acknowledging the student’s academic achievement, accommodations should have been made so the student could fully participate in the program or the program should have been adjusted,” the school said in a statement.

A photo from the graduation, posted on CBSNews, shows a visibly upset Trinicea.

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