A Texas driving range has come up with a way to take a few swings at this year's presidential candidates.
Alpine Target Golf Center has added posters of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump to bales of hay at the Longview, Texas driving range, USA Today reported.
The candidates' images sit about 60 yards from the driving area.
"Our hay bales are an equal opportunity stress relief with no political bias implied," Alpine posted on Facebook. "It's meant to be a fun diversion and not to offend."
The posters went up on Oct. 24, the Longview News-Journal reported.
"We probably had 80 people that came out right after we got them put up." Ben Brewer said.
So if golf balls were votes, who would win?
"There were probably 10 balls hit at Hillary (for every Trump shot), no, 20 balls," Brewer said. "The majority of balls were hit at Hillary. They knocked Hillary loose."
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