With the help of one Atlanta neighborhood, a dog has been reunited with her owner after being lost for two months -- from Texas!
On Dec. 26 , a dog showed up in a Colbert neighborhood on Maple Ridge Place, according to resident Cristin Thurman.
Several neighbors posted on social media about their hopes of finding her owners -- but were unsuccessful, so for time being, Thurman's neighbor, Jennifer Wilmot, took the dog, Maggie, in to provide some love and comfort.
"She helped herself into our home and just plopped right down on the couch," Thurman said.
Thurman would have liked to have kept Maggie but already had five rescues at her house -- but Wilmot was happy to help.
"As soon as she arrived I knew we had to keep her until we found her owners," Wilmot said.
Wilmot has a new baby and was worried about bringing her in, but once she introduced her dogs and baby to Maggie they took her right in.
"When my son got upset she went over and checked on him and licked his head like hey buddy everything is OK," Wilmot said.
Thurman's sister works at Central Oconee Animal Clinic, so on Monday, she took the dog to the vet to see if she had a microchip.
Luckily, she was chipped.
"I was thinking that I would call the owners, and we would reunite them quite easily," Thurman said.
Much to their surprise, they found out the dog was stolen out of her owner's yard in Texas about two months ago.
"We have no clue how she got to Georgia," Thurman said.
The owners were contacted and on Sunday, after her owners made a 390-mile trip, Maggie was reunited with her family; and they are headed back home to Texas.
Owner Keefer Spencer says he is beyond excited and is so grateful for everyone who helped.
" I thought I had lost her forever -- it was like a needle in a haystack finding her," Spencer said. " I'm just so happy."
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