A Tualatin, Oregon, couple never thought their last name on their license plate would make their lives miserable during this year’s election.
KATU reported that Brian Trump ordered a license plate with "Trump" written on it nine years ago; he thought it'd be easier to be called that, since there a lot of people with the name Ryan and Brian around town. He told KATU that people at work call him Trump.
Never in his wildest dreams did he think Donald Trump would ever become a presidential candidate years later.
Trump said drivers on the road started doing terrible things to him over a year ago.
"It took me a minute to figure out. I didn’t cut this person off. (I) used my blinker. I’m not like driving crazy," Trump told KATU. "Someone goes, ‘You’re not a Trump supporter are you?’ And I was like, ‘It’s my last name!'"
While some people have liked the license plate, Trump said it’s mostly gotten negative reactions.
"I’ve gotten a couple of thumbs up," Trump said. "But it’s generally the vulgar language, mean looks, flipping you off -- that kind of thing has unfortunately been a lot more common."
"Even if I was a die-hard Trump supporter, why should there be potential threats of violence or vulgar language?" he went on to say. "Try to treat everyone how you would want to be treated. It’s pretty simple. I mean, you might have a difference of opinion with someone, but it doesn’t mean you got to be rude or aggressive."
His wife, who also has a "Trump" plate, said she was approached by men several times.
"You have three grown men yelling at a woman alone in her car, it’s kind of scary, you know?" Trump told KATU. "You don’t want something to happen."
Brian Trump said he and his wife have no intentions on changing their plates or their last name.
"I'm sticking with it. I'm not going to let someone bully me out of my plate."
Trump said he’s getting a graphic to put in the window to let drivers know that his last name is Trump, and the plates aren’t politically related at all.
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