Two Vinita, Oklahoma, boys are being treated at a Texas hospital for second- and third-degree burns their mother said they got at day care.
>>UPDATE: Police serve search warrant at boys' grandparents' home in connection with the burns
She told KOKI-TV that she dropped her sons, ages 5 and 7, at the Happiness Is a Learning Center day care on Friday between 8:30 and 9 a.m. She said when she picked them up after 5 p.m., the kids told her they'd been at a splash pad all day without shirts on while they played.
>> Click here to see images of the sunburns. (WARNING: GRAPHIC)
She said the kids developed severe sunburns, and after she took them to a hospital for treatment, they were taken to the Shriner’s Hospital in Galveston, Texas, with second- and third-degree burns.
The kids' grandfather was shaken up by the incident.
KOKI talked to the Department of Human Services, which is investigating the case. Officials at the day care told KOKI that their lawyers told them not to give a statement.
The kids are expected to be in Texas for five more days.
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