A Missouri man has been rescued after vanishing for nearly two weeks while fishing off the coast of miles Hawaii.

Ron Ingraham placed distress calls on Nov. 27th reporting that his boat was taking on water 46 miles west of Kailua-Kona. The following days, the Coast Guard covered a 12,000-square mile search area in an attempt to locate Ingraham.  

After finding nothing, the search was suspended on Dec. 1.

Nearly two weeks after his initial distress call, a new radio distress call was intercepted transmitted by Ingraham.  He was adrift with his damaged 25-foot sailboat 80 miles from the location of his orignal Thanksgiving Day mayday call.

Ingraham had drifted almost 64 miles south of Oahu and was assisted by the Navy Destroyer USS Paul Hamilton. He was reportedly hungry and thirsty when the Navy arrived.