A new bill is taking on smoking marijuana head-on.
Recreational use of marijuana could be permitted in California if a referendum makes it to the November ballot and is passed by voters.
It would legally allow for up to one ounce of pot and six plants for people 21 and over.
But where would that bill leave landlords whose renters would light up if the recreational pot law passes?
A new bill has been proposed to extend the laws that allow rental unit owners to prohibit smoking of cigarettes and other tobacco products in rentals, The Sacramento Bee reported.
The bill's sponsor, California Apartment Association, said that pot smoking can create tension among tenants and that landlords need the authority to ban pot smoking on their properties.
The state's laws currently prohibit medical marijuana anywhere tobacco is banned.
Some marijuana supporters said the new landlord bill could infringe on the rights of patients, but said they could support it if there's an exemption that would allow for the vaporizing of marijuana.
Vaporizing, or vaping, could fall under the legal definition of smoking.
Assemblyman Jim Wood said that patients could use medical marijuana through other ways like oils or edibles, The Bee reported.
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