What do you do when you have 900 mouths to feed and you’ve run out of acorns?
If you’re the Carolina Wildlife Center in Columbia, South Carolina, you head to your closest social media network to put out the acorn alert.
Officials at the center said they had an emergency on their hands before Thanksgiving and needed animal lovers to go out and collect all of the acorns they could find over the holiday weekend to help feed the squirrels that have been taken in this year, WIS reported.
Why did they have so many furry creatures call the center home? Many were displaced because of Hurricane Florence, WVEC reported. So all the furry friends quickly went through all of the stashed nuts the Carolina Wildlife Center workers had gathered.
The acorn call went out on Wednesday.
By Saturday, they had enough nuts to get through spring and have all of the freezers packed for the winter. They had such a great response that they still had a swimming pool full of acorns to feed the squirrels.
And any donations won’t go to waste. Officials at the shelter said that they will be sharing the bounty with other rehab facilities in the state.
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