Top presidential candidates took the stage this weekend at the RedState Gathering in Atlanta to discuss the future of the Republican party. Each candidate and speaker utilized their position to advance their vision for the future of the county and garner support from the public.

1. "I don't want Donald Trump in the room with my daughter tonight so that's why he was disinvited." -- Erick Erickson, RedState Gathering organizer, after disinviting Donald Trump to the event. Trump was originally scheduled to speak at the RedState Tailgate near the College Football Hall of Fame

2. "[Donald Trump] has a right to speak. You have every right to be offended. I wish to listen to all these people, giving them a fair hearing and deciding on your own." -- Michael Pemberton, a 66-year-old retiree from Kentucky who said there was nothing misogynistic about Trump's comments

3. "Let us not be apologetic for our position on life as conservatives." -- New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie said while criticizing Hillary Clinton's support of Planned Parenthood and calling the GOP field "charlatans"

4. "We brought our flag down. But that didn't change my philosophical core. But it taught me to listen more." -- South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley on lessons learned after the Charleston church shooting

5. "We don't have to apologize for American exceptionalism or western values." -- Former Texas Gov. Rick Perry telling RedState he's ready to lead

6. "Folks who want to come to America should come legally, should learn English, should adopt our values and roll up their sleeves and get to work." -- Lousiana Gov. Bobby Jindal talking about his personal experience with immigration

7. "2016 is going to be a fight – a real fight – between conservatism and the progressivism that has completely dominated the Democratic Party." -- Former CEO Carly Fiorina who received a warm welcome from RedState after a glowing performance at Thursday's GOP debate in Cleveland

8. "They say I don't come from privilege. I say, 'Oh yes I do.'" -- U.S. Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida, who also said that a Planned Parenthood government shutdown would be the Democrats' fault

9. On facing the Clinton machine in Arkansas: "I fought it. I beat it, and most importantly, by gosh, I lived to tell about it. And that alone is good enough reason to make me President of the United States." -- Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee said while keeping things light with folksy humor

10. "Are you looking for a meaningless showboat, or do you actually want leadership?" -- U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said while criticizing his fellow Republicans and taking shots at Hillary Clinton

11. "It's all backwards. It's all upside down. Our friends should know we have their back and our enemies should fear us." -- Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said while going heavy on immigration, education and foreign policy

12. "I'm not going to spend all my time talking about the other Republicans. They aren't my opponents. Hillary Clinton is." -- Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who told RedState he is the 'name from the future' for GOP