The book “Fire and Fury” offers reported behind-the-scenes stories about Donald Trump’s White House. But are the stories credible? A roundup of editorials Monday takes a look at the issue.

Opinions from the right:

Fire & Fury signifying nothing

From The Orange County Register: The author of ‘Fire and Fury’ has an ego just about as big as Trump’s. Who are we to believe?

Has Trump lost his mind or has CNN lost its bearings?

From Townhall: Will CNN ever be able to get over the fact Trump became president?

Why hasn't Wolff's dementia-Trump been seen in public?

From the DC Examiner: The author of “Fire and Fury’ claims Trump is unstable, with those on the left all-to-eager to believe the behind-the-scene accounts. But, have we really seen that at Trump’s public events?