Tornado, rainbow appear side by side during massive Texas storm

Storm chasers captured a tornado and rainbow side by side at the Texas-Oklahoma border near Vernon, Texas. (Image: Ryan Shepard via Twitter screenshot)

Storm chasers captured a tornado and rainbow side by side at the Texas-Oklahoma border near Vernon, Texas. (Image: Ryan Shepard via Twitter screenshot)

Storm chasers captured a tornado and rainbow side by side at the Texas-Oklahoma border near Vernon, Texas.

The phenomenal photos and videos were taken by storm enthusiasts who monitored a weather system they tracked. One of them is Ryan Shepard, a storm chaser and guide for Silver Lining Tours.

“I was the guide for our first storm chase tour of the season,” Shepard wrote on Twitter. “We had a mix of seasoned guests and a few new ones. Some of them saw their first tornadoes on this day.”

Those wanting to take a tour can pay $3,500 to participate in storm chasing under the guidance of experienced storm chasers.

“I was the guide for our first storm chase tour of the season. We had a mix of seasoned guests and a few new ones. Some of them saw their first tornadoes on this day."

- Ryan Shepard, a storm chaser and guide for Silver Lining Tours

According to weather experts, it’s rare to see a tornado and a rainbow at the same time. The last known photo of the phenomenon was captured in Kansas in 2004 by photographer Eric Nguyen.