Avoid driving drunk
If you find yourself tipsy and in need of a ride when you've been out celebrating anytime through January 1st, AAA offers Tow to Go.
Since its inception in 1998, Tow to Go has safely removed more than 22,000 intoxicated drivers from the roads. The service is designed to be used as a last resort. The AAA tow truck takes the vehicle and the driver home.
It is offered based on availability of AAA Service Technicians and tow trucks during times of high call volume. You do NOT need to be a AAA member. (855) 2-TOW-2-GO or (855) 286-9246
Driving under the influence tends to peak during the holidays, according to the the Safety Council of Palm Beach County.
To help combat this, the council is giving away a $100 reward to anyone who reports a drunk driver to 911.
The Mobile Eyes program, which the Safety Council has headed since 2004, encourages people to be on the lookout for impaired drivers to help law enforcement officials arrest those breaking DUI laws.
As of Monday, 28 people have received the $100 Mobile Eyes reward this year.
To qualify for the $100 reward, the person reporting the impaired driver must ask that the call be coded as a Mobile Eyes call and the officer must make an arrest after validating that the individual is a DUI offender.
While Mobile Eyes is a year-round program, Donna Bryan, spokeswoman for the Safety Council of Palm Beach County, emphasizes the importance of the program during the holidays.
“The holidays are particularly a time of relaxation, recreation and partying for many people,” Bryan said. “It’s doubly important that we get these impaired drivers off the road during the holiday season.”
The Safety Council will not reward callers who contact police after a DUI crash has occurred or callers who have already collected $500 in rewards from the council.
The funds for the rewards mostly come from police agencies and corporate donations.
The entire sum of donations goes toward funding the rewards, said Bryan.
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