Utah’s reps are rapping about legislation, and early indications are that music reviewers will be ripping them.

Some members of the Utah House of Representatives decided to use music for describing the process of drafting bills, proposing amendments and turning legislation into law, CNN reported.

Their video, “Fresh Prints of Bills Here,” is a parody of the theme song of “The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air,” sung by Will Smith.

Beginning with House speaker Greg Hughes’ intro of “Wellllll, this is the story of all about how,” listeners are treated to 80 seconds of bad singing, funny expressions and bad rhyming: Rep. Francis Gibson raps “I’d like to take a minute, just sit right there,” and gets a call-and-response answer from Rep. Kim Coleman, who sings “I’ll tell you how this becomes a law in this our “chaim-bear.” (chamber).

While the singing was bad, the explanations were right on the money, CNN reported.

Singing about legislation is not new. "Schoolhouse Rock!" video on the same topic, an animated bill sings about his trip through Congress and to the president.

Give the Utah legislators points for trying, though.

Here is Will Smith singing the theme song from “Fresh Prince”: