The Woodstock City Council has had the first reading of a measure amending the land development ordinance regarding districts for open space and public buildings. A second reading is expected Oct. 23.
A new “OS” Open Space district would join the “DT-OS” or Downtown Open Space designation for land to be used for recreational and passive open space for public or governmental use, outside and inside the downtown district, respectively, according to a staff memo to the council. No commercial or residential uses are permitted in these districts, though DT-OS does allow parking.
The new “CV” or Civic District designation is for government properties outside downtown, such as public schools and government buildings, and for government-owned properties that may appear un-zoned, such as rights of way, staff said. “DT-CV” Downtown Civic would succeed the “DT-CI” or Downtown Civic/Institutional designation for government-owned properties downtown.
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