Video footage shows Dekalb teacher choking 11-year-old

A Dekalb County teacher was suspended after allegedly putting an 11-year-old student in a chokehold at school.

Recently released surveillance footage shows the incident began in the cafeteria of Pleasantdale Elementary School on May 22. Fifth grade teacher Stephanie Fleet approached the student, Ravon Handley, and snatched his chair from behind him, 11 Alive reports.

The boy’s mother, Chiquita, said the teacher began “choking him from behind” and “walking with him and choking him at the same time.”

Witnesses told police the video doesn’t show how Raven was misbehaving and threatening to hit his teacher, according to 11 Alive. Fleet was suspended for three days without pay, following a district investigation.

A similar incident occured in 2013 at a Dekalb middle school, when a student reportedly lost conciousness after a teacher put him in a submission hold.