The Republicans now have control of your life? What can you not do today that you were able to do a few months ago? Explain your incredibly ignorant statement. The tax code is the closest thing to control our government has and that's why they do not want to reform it.

The reason liberals don't like Koch Industries? Koch Industries provide jobs. Jobs kill the liberal vote. Oh, and Reid told liberals not to like the Koch brothers.

I am not sure how to handle the post that says Republicans have control of our lives and suppression of wages is happening. Ask the 93 million folks who do not work in this country and a large number of them are not hunting any longer for work having given up. Ask them under whose administration they gave up.

Get the Gestapo agents out of the police forces.

Sorry, but Social Security is a Ponzi scheme run by the government. It is predicated on continued payments currently to pay for benefits earned previously. Don't be so defensive about it.

I know you are searching for someone to blame, but politicians can't suppress workers' wages. Only the workers' skill sets and the competition from other workers can suppress wages. Employers have to have employers to stay in business.

Only in America could people who believe in sticking to the Constitution be called extremists.

Hypocrisy: Obama's Earth Day trip will cover 1,836 miles roundtrip and use 9,180 gallons of fuel on Air Force One.

Hillary Clinton is all for Common Core. That should tell you all you need to know.