Read to your children at night. They will do better in school and remember the stories for the rest of their lives.

Cyclist.. I'll be glad to share the road but if you're going to ride in the dark you need some reflectors and lights so I can see you.

Media relieved Boston story is over. Now they can get back to reporting on what Kim Kardashian is wearing this hour.

I have never gotten a speeding ticket except when I was speeding. I bet you have to admit the same thing.

Maybe it's time to trying living in harmony with nature instead of bulldozing it.

The Boston bomber who was captured is an American citizen. How can our government suspend his Constitutional rights? Slippery slope folks. When will they decide they don't have to respect your Constitutional rights?

If teachers really did teach, their students could pass the test. The expression *teaching to the test* is used as an excuse for teacher incompetence.

Maybe schools and apartments should not be built next door to chemical plants. But that would infringe on freedoms, right?

Hopefully, Georgia politicians can learn from watching Boston handle the healthcare emergency and police emergency in their city and state - Georgia is underfunded and underprepared.

Venters are not journalists; they are merely expressing their opinions. Some give credible sources that inform their opinions; others don't. The ones who don't are usually those whose stated opinions are voted down.