I'm a Georgia native, and I've never watched Honey Boo Boo. Please folks, they will only go away if you quit watching. Makes us look stupid.

What bugs me as much about singers who do not know the words to the National Anthem is that so many of them try to sing it like a pop or blues song by adding their own artistic touch to it. Folks that ain't what it is.

If I'm a health care worker who has been anywhere close to Ebola, I will gladly go into isolation. I care that much about others.

Never did see Honey Boo Boo, but if Mama June will date a child molester, it needs to be Honey Bye Bye. Take her kids.

The hypocrisy in the APS cheating scandal is stupid. Cheaters cheat. Get rid of them.

Voted early, can I please opt out of political commercials now?

Good post regarding quarantined with meningitis! Quarantine when necessary and please think of others before you run around with a possible disease that can kill others if you have been exposed.

Honey Boo Boo and that lot makes the Clampets look like the Biltmores.

Were you the jerk that wasn’t supposed to fly on a commercial aircraft, yet you thumbed your nose at the health authorities?

I voted by mail. I voted for no incumbent unless he/she was the lesser of two evils. Isn't that a shame?

The new Braves stadium is a train wreck in the making and we taxpayers and commuters from Cobb County have front-row seats.

I will be overjoyed the day after the election even if my favorite doesn't win.

Fancy schmancy cars. Who cares. I like that they spend so much on rapidly depreciating metal cans.

The American success story says you go from rags to riches through hard work. The Georgia success story says you go from bankrupt to millionaire by being elected governor.

So let me get this straight. A person who has been tested and is Ebola-free can still be forced into quarantine in the state of Georgia?

When gas prices were going up everyone was quick to blame Obama. Now that they are going down … crickets.