Schools are now banning "honor students" because it makes the average students feel dumb. America is the only place that enjoys dumbing down people.

If you say your kid is hanging out with the wrong crowd your kid is the wrong crowd.

Apparently we are at the stage of mob rule rather than common sense.

You can childproof a gun; lock them in a gun safe and control the keys.

New stadium for Atlanta without public support? Follow the money on this one.

Coming soon: a new street car line directly above a falling apart rapid rail system.

The tail wagging the dog is alive and well in the USA


Check your Social Security info yearly to verify it's correct in case your old company closed down or lost paperwork. It could take awhile to prove you worked that period if it's incorrect. Same applies to nongovernment retirement plans.

I'm surprised some of the people who write vents even read the paper. BTW, reading the whole article will help you not look foolish.

Venters don't like it when you point out false facts.

Am I the only one who finds it ironic the Auburn tree killer is a retired Texas State Trooper? I hope he enjoys his time in jail.

Received a jury summons from Fulton County. I have to put a stamp on the questionnaire they want back. Bad news just became worse news. Must be a cost savings item.

Let's see, if a vent makes sense, I'm supposed to vote it DOWN, is that right?

You want ice cream when dieting because you always want what you can't have.