Police officers in Oklahoma buy 75-year-old woman a birthday cake and celebrate with her after finding out she was on her way to the store to buy herself a cake for her birthday and her wheelchair broke down. Why don't you judge all cops on what these have done? Why judge all by the actions of a few?
Get rid of the lobbyists.
Have Congress write their own bills and laws. Cut Congress' pay and make them work 40 plus hours.
How nice, we are building a toll road so people with money will have their own private lanes to drive to work.
I wonder how many people will be like me. Keep their mouths shut, but quietly vote for Trump.
I remember when the Downtown Connector was being built and it was going to solve all the traffic problems and the same for Interstate 285. As long as Metro Atlanta continues to be run by developers who make their living on wide open growth and sprawl and who have local governments in their pockets the place is always going to be a traffic nightmare.
Money can't buy happiness, but apparently it can buy freedom as in a mile-long tunnel out of a Mexican maximum-security prison with motorcycle waiting at the end.
My cousin, who barely graduated high school, has a meth-making son and an unmarried welfare daughter with two kids, and still uses the n-word at home, has three different posts on Facebook supporting the Confederate Flag, but it has nothing to do with racism (insert sarcasm).
I am keeping this nation in my thoughts and prayers, especially when I see how uncivilized it has become.
What trucking company can afford to insure 18-year-old drivers?
Go Trump! The Republican party needs new life. Time to get rid of the establishment. Time to restore our country to the greatness it used to be just after WWll.
I think the United States is still very special. I could live any place I want to but I still choose to be here. I experienced lots of different countries when I was in the military and no place beats the good old USA.
Trump's wife is an immigrant. What do you think she had to do to get citizenship? I hope it wasn't something as distasteful as having to marry The Donald.
Giant holes in the Siberian tundra are due to the methane escaping from the melting permafrost. Don't worry.
Bite your tongue! I don't "do" Facebook, I like my privacy!
So, The Donald's wife is from Mexico? Well, that proves we women will sometimes overlook everything for the power that obscene money brings!
Don't believe everything you hear. Melania Trump is from Slovenia, not Mexico.
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